Numerous primaries will be held on Tuesday and the following is probably the most interesting one. You should most definitely have an eye on it.
The GOP primary race seems to be a dead heat between Sue Lowden and Sharron Angle. The latter one, former teacher and member of the Nevada Assembly, already ran for office in 2006. She narrowly lost by some hundred votes back then. But this time is different because the Tea Party endorsed her, which gives her a huge advantage.
Recent polls show, that Angle gained momentum, right after the endorsement. Yet the race is still a dead heat.
Lowden on the other hand, served at the Nevada State Senate and got endorsed by conservative heavyweights Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh.
This tight race could harm the actual winner and play in the incumbants favor. In contrary to his opponent in the general election, Harry Reid has an easy primary, which gives him the opportunity to focus primarily on the general election.
He still will have the problem of the widespread anti-incumbent mood.
Don’t forget, that it’s Super Tuesday and there are plenty of interesting primaries, so make sure to take a look at the gubernatorial races in California and South Carolina.